Monday, February 14, 2011

the nowhere zone

This is what I call the nowhere zone. Do you know where that is? I don't exactly. I only know it's up in my mind and that I can get lost there many many times during the course of one day. It's where I "zone out" or daydream, and yet, when someone asks "what are you thinking about?" I never can say. It's as if - when that question is asked - some cord of thought or concentration is snapped. Then reality hits and I come from some abyss of nothingness to the present, where things are louder and busier and more colorful than the relaxed, quiet place I've been dazed into. If you've ever been to the nowhere zone, you know what I mean.
Well, it happens to Dawn too and I can recognize the same blank stare - a stare so far beyond anything within sighting distance that you can tell right off she's in the nowhere zone. So I got this when she was nice and dazy - she always is in the morning - especially when Daddy's built a fire.


  1. I like the nowhere zone. It's kinda fun. I visit quite often, in fact. :)

  2. This picture is like those really old, black and white, super highquality photographs of indians.


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