Monday, February 14, 2011

Tine's de valen

It's Valentine's Day. And I love Valentine's Day. Why? Chocolates? Pink, red?
Yes - that too. Mama has always made this day fun because she will leave us notes and chocolates and gives us all lots of kisses and hugs. But I think I love this day mostly because it's a reminder to me. This morning I got up and was brushing my teeth when a bright red note, stuck to the top of my bathroom mirror, caught my eye. It was from Dawn and she had cut out and glued her card together. I read it. And then I cried. It was so simple and sweet. This day always brings to mind how very much I do not deserve all the love I have been given. I mean, not only has God loved me, but He then designed my life - before I was ever born - to be one full of love. I am surrounded by it at church and with my family and with my friends. It beats me as to why, but He allowed me to be immersed in what I have never deserved - what I never will. Love.

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