Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here's to 20

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It's nice living in a big family. You always have company. As it happened, I got thrown into the line beside Anne, which has turned out to be quite convenient for we have a type of understanding: I amuse her, she keeps me in my senses. And in this fashion we both amuse each other. I like watching her because she's one of those people that can carry on a conversation and accomplish about 15 things during the course of a five minute exchange. She's like a little bee flying in and out very cheerfully all the while being quite diligent. She plays piano and draws and is one smashing cook; she concocts herbal medicinal teas and those who know her have probably been exposed to these teas and herbs (though Daddy almost refuses to forgive her for one instance concerning a friend and echinacea). I love being around Anne for lots of reasons but one is because she can make me laugh like no one else. She can take the driest subject, face, idea - and make it funny to me. I think I've laughed more with her than any one being on the planet. From barbies to homework to traveling and simply experiencing every day life, Anne and I love to laugh at and with each other. When she went to her first year of college, we girls all felt that we'd wither up for she is such a bit of sunshine and happiness to our garden that her absence is always noticed. Well, her birthday is tomorrow and she turns twenty. Moriah laments this fact sorely, pointing out the horrid prospects of being an old lady (for at twenty a girl pracically IS) and also that she will no longer be a teenager. But on the other side of the two decade mark, I look down from my pedestal of age and tell her to enjoy youth for the ag'ed like myself, know the bitter pangs of the frost of life. Mother, weeps with those who weep, however, and in sympathy sings,

'Seventeen last spring
Still without a ring
I'm past my peak
Look at this physique
Just hear the old bones creak
Where there was a glow
Now the wrinkles show
Where art Thou Romeo?'

And Anne - she's just chill. She smiles at our ridiculous crowing. But since she is the one in the family who is not going to create unnecessary drama, we have to do it for her.
Here's to 20, Annie, Ole gal.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Anna Grace! 20 really isn't so bad. Or 21, or 22, or 23...

    Echinacea!!! Ugh.


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