Thursday, February 24, 2011

rolling in clover

I think somewhere along the line, we must have had some great great grandpapa or grandmammy that had a knack for burning food because quite a few people in our family have a tendency to do that...Well, when I say a lot, I mainly mean Christopher and myself , but still.
He's gotten better over the years, but today I burned my lunch to a crisp and never thought a thing about it until I smelled a pungent odor drifting through the house and jumping up, I ran into the kitchen, though by that time he'd already dealt with the bread, opened the doors, turned on the fan and was working on his car. Sweet brother. We decided to play in clover. After all, what's burnt toast to clover?
Spring - even glimpses of it - are invigorating. Alive and healthy and sweet. I love a spring.

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