Thursday, January 13, 2011

will you take greenhouse in your tea?

It's terribly old-fashioned, a greenhouse. When I think of a greenhouse I think of peaches and roots. I wonder who had a greenhouse first? I don't know, but they're warm and beautiful, greenhouses are. If I had a greenhouse I'd make it have orchids, and vines, jasmine vines, perhaps, and ivy. And daffodils - they are such cheery

little sprites that they fit in any time of year. It should be quite chock full of little nooks and crannies too, places to run off and read or imagine. A little cubby nest right in the middle of some wisteria and belladonnas should be just right. And lots of other nooks - some beside the violets and bluebonnets, lavender and skunk cabbages. (It wouldn't be quite healthy to have a greenhouse and NOT have skunk cabbages.) When I have this greenhouse, you may come and visit me. There will be a table right in the middle of one of the winding paths in the house.
All paths lead to tea, do they not? When you sit down, I shall ask you in my most aristocratic voice,"Will you take a greenhouse in your tea?" And you, as will all of my green guests, shall have to decide that for yourself.

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