Tuesday, January 18, 2011

life at the asylum

You might wonder: what would two souls do snowed in for a weekend and a day?
Well, it's impossible to tell you all, for we did too much to write.

But silly, silly, silly, that's for sure. We watched movies that were impossible to understand, read plant pathology books, listened to classical music,
delved into theology, took snow walks, laughed,
made up songs, told stories, sat by the fire and made faces at each other while studying and folding towels and wondered whether our surroundings might be real, or simply projections of our subconscious.

Abe was a dear. He didn't laugh when I burned the toast, messed up the coffee, set off the fire alarm or made him
hamburgers and fried onions for the third time. He answered my questions when we watched movies and always kept a fire stoked in the stove.

We had a grand time, though he was prone to poking, squeezing and teasing.

Life at the asylum was rather fun with the ole' boy and I laughed heaps and heaps so that the laughter piles started to take up most of the floor space and I had to step carefully lest I set them all off at once.

Abrum co-operated pretty well with my occasional photo shoot and only grunted a few times and said "but BRILLE!!! my nails ain't combed" and after those few protests, he acquiesced
All in all, for holding down the entirety of the grey submarine while all other signs of life were away, I think we did pretty well.
If I had to sum it up in two words, I must say de bolida!!!


  1. We are eagerly awaiting the next installment, here at the silent historian.
    People from my job are enjoying your blog almost as much as I am. Melody from work says to tell you that she is impressed with your talent.
    It makes me so proud to share your special style with everyone!

    A smile stays on my face as i read through your little narratives and it certainly makes me feel a little closer to home and our precious, unique, silly, hilarious and lovely family.
    Lots of hugs!
    Love, Abby

  2. Did you take the hand picture?? It's so creepy in surreal in an awesome way!!


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