Wednesday, January 5, 2011

spoonful o' sugar

If ever I'm down with a case of the mulligrubs,  one of the best spirit-perking remedies is spending some time with my family. Are we crazy? Yes. Funny?
Well, we all seem to think so.  

We have the enjoyably interesting ability to entertain each other for quite a while. I don't know how many times (in the year and years past) I'll have walked into a room to find the rest of the crew in there laughing and watching each other. Soon, I'd find myself being drawn into the scene too - not necessarily doing anything, just watching.
There's something about that tie, 
 that connection that beats any game, past time, hobby, sport, book, food, drink, or what -have-you. Thank God for these people. These wonderfully eccentric, fun, happy, endearing folks I can call family.

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