" Grandfather Abrum. He was a good old boy. Always had plenty of spunk and stories to tell, and usually a gift or two that he'd give us. As all us chillin' would gather round, he'd pull from his beard some sort of treasure which we always found intriguing. Rabbit's tail, a chestnut, a coke cap that said "FREE COKE" on the inside. Then he'd take each one of us and bounce us on his knee, saying we were arabs in the deserts of Egypt riding camels. Ah, those were the good days to be sure."
Abe, if you were my grandfather, that's the sort of story I'd write about you.
This is probably my favorite picture of them all.
Sometimes I forget, I think.
I forget the little things that make up my life and pass over them as silly or trifling when it's those things that are the very gladnesses of life that make the swirly sunshiny happiness all that it is.
Beards and bicycles, Batman!