Tuesday, September 18, 2012

before laying me down to hay

    The mighty deed is done!!!! we've been shanghai'd into the future by unstoppable forces of modernity!!!  The old kitchen sink faucet is no more.  So if you had a chance to master it, and didn't, I am sorry.  This new one is smooth, uncracked, unstubborn and to be handled gently.  A thing it's been hard to get used to after yanking the other one.  In a way, I'm a little sad…Because, you know the old one.  It was almost a test to see if you would be admitted to the heart of the Sub.
   Also, Dawn appeared in the hall with wide eyes and exclaimed to all of us at the table,
'Woooaaah!!! What  is going on??? Where is the old bathtub stopper??!!!'
'I know…' I admitted, 'The new one's fancy.'
'Mogly,' said Merry to Dawn, 'it's alright.'
'No it's NOT!  We've had that bathroom stopper for years! And that new one is weird looking!'
'Mogly!  The old stopper's under the sink. The one in the bathtub is actually s'posed to be in the kitchen.'  Dawn disappeared and I tried to figure out why they'd been switched, but Merry just looked over her glasses at me and told me to stop axting questions.
    Such a rainy day!  And even though it was rainy, there was still a hint of fall smell.  And I found a beautiful little red leaf today, as I was walking down to the mailbox in Daddy's big rain coat.  The rain falling on it sounded like rain on a tent, so it was tempting to not go inside at all.  It's a good thing I did go inside, however, because just as I walked in Dawn was on the brink of pouring the bad milk into the chocolate milk to drink.  I startled her out of it. Then she made me write 'BAD' on the side with a big X.  Mama's home. And that means the world is right again. She flew to Virginia this morning and flew back tonight.  Goodnight people.

Anne says 'I'm not getting up on the first alarm. I'm not getting up on the second alarm. I'll get up on the third or fourth alarm, but definitely not the fifth.  That one's the worst. '  She's swaddled on my floor, saying 'Raymona, are NorthFace backpacks classy? Northface vs. canvas…it's like black and white…and high sierra..functional…cute colors….sometimes…urban…scrubs..think of…jeans….'


a friend says fall is the time of year when the 
'air and the land becomes closer to what 
eternity must be like….'

i believe it
must be 

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