Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the exception being tuesday

NOTE. this was written on tuesday even though it's labeled as wednesday and this is for the simple reason that it actually was posted on wednesday. at's what happens when you fall asleep at night instead of finishing blog posts.

for it was exceptional.  i liked everything about today.  i liked the weather - chilly and sweet and fresh. i liked my work, the people i worked with, the people i talked to, the brew of coffee i had.  i liked being by myself for part of the day, and mixing with people the other part of it. it's just been a very good day. and i like that.
  this morning i rode in an ambulance - a retired one, at least. but i had never done that before, and for some reason it felt momentous. i met all of anne's bcm friends on their last night of the season and that was climatic.
at supper the other night daddy got cracked up about a birthday card he almost got for u.z but didn't.  he said he really just couldn't, and he never told us what it was, but for about 10 minutes he was on and off laughing so hard he couldn't swallow and was turning red.  but he always does that when he laughs hard.

 dawn making hobo-glyphics.

the hobo party was ridiculously fun.  i might post more pictures later but for now, so long.

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