Saturday, April 28, 2012

and all the cows come home

last night's excerpt.
'abrum's home. so we are in the living room, daddy kicked up in his chair,
chris sitting cross-legged on the couch, merry strewn out on the long couch,
moriah sitting on her legs, abe sitting on the end with a little of all of them on him, tickling.
melody asked abe,
'what is your major?'
'I'm presently working on Layman of Plant Protection.'
Chris says
'I'm still workin on my Bachelor's.'
abe says to chris,
'Well, Fulmer, you done rounded up the nerve to go ahead
and scare up some tax forms?'' '

 does a soul good to have the men home.

abe said ' speakin of my beard, i did find a caterpillar in it the other day. don't know how 
he managed that, but i had to walk through a bush on my way to class the other day,
so i reckon he hitched a ride somewhere.  i wouldn't have seen the critter if the folks hadn't pointed him out to me.'


  1. Love your writing, Gabe. Please pass on to your sweet brother, with no mouth, that the caterpillar is the exact reason I don't care for his beard. 'Nuff said. :-) Love you guys!


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