Friday, January 6, 2012

and life at the asylum goes on

 {i need to stop doing this - writing posts and forgetting to post them.  oh well.  here's yesterday's.}

daddy went to work early and came home late.  so late - poor daddy - that mama had to keep the hen in the oven extra long, and it was nearly nine by the time we finished. anne had cold hands so she balled one up and handed it to abe, who was talking to mama and moriah at the time and didn't notice it.  daddy asked him to pray so we all bowed heads and held hands.  a couple of words into the prayer, though, abe burst out laughing as he looked at anne's ball of cold pinkish purple in his hand.  'Benign!' he said and then he just bent over and laughed.   well, that was enough.  that and all the other silly things through the day were too much  and by that time everyone was laughing so much that finally daddy had to pray and even then we didn't get all the way through without a few stray laughs.

This morning was one of those mornings that was so cozy I really didn't want to leave.  Daddy was in his chair, feet up and hair all pushed to the middle of his head like a mo-hawk.  I guess it does that because he sleeps on each side so evenly during the night.  Anne had made that signature coffee of hers that is so strong it curls your face up and nearly gives you chills going down, Abe half limped into the kitchen with a 'Brille, don't know 'bout you, but those lunges yesterday nearly done me in',  and Dawn had her long gown on.  I can't describe her morning hair and do it justice.  It's just huge, tangled and wiry. I love morning time at our house and am so bad about procrastinating that I'll put off almost everything else just to be around then.  But I had to go, and this, as do most good, hard things we must do in life, proved not to leave me shorthanded.  Chris and I spent most of our day together working at his house. The air has been so sweet and warm that we opened the door, and when our work was done he fired up the grill and we made a smasher of a lunch.

       don't these sprouts look like birds?

tonight we girls were working out on the driveway.  the moon is so bright 
we could see each other and the ground
and our ghostly puffs of breath.
a truck from the neighboring subdivision squealed out of the entrance.
'that's a scary truck', anne said.
'they must be running away from somebody', said merry.
'or maybe the wife is having a baby' said milly.
'psh!' chawed anne, 'not with that kind of music on.'
'maybe it was soothing to the woman,' offered milly.
'no, that was crazy 80's music.' said anne.
'hey. guess what.' said milly.
'the first star in the bottom row of the little dipper
just twinkled twice.'
and so it did. 


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